Hello, dear friends!
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the Little Red Tomato, the newest member of the Iracambi transport fleet. And I want to thank you for supporting Iracambi’s campaign to raise money to enable me to come join the Iracambi team.
My job is to take some of the weight off our beloved Land Rover, which has to do all the really heavy work, carrying tree seedings, equipment and people along the muddy potholed roads, and even, when necessary, making her way up steep mountain slopes.
That’s not really my thing. But I can do a hundred other jobs, each one of which is necessary to helping my Iracambi people get on with their mission of Saving Forests and Changing Lives.
I take the education team to the local schools, to spread the good news of environmental restoration and encourage more and more young people to join us in learning about rainforest science. After all, we are going to need lots of young people if we are going to plant one million trees, right?
Sometimes I help the volunteer manager when he is taking our students and volunteers to visit local farms and get a better understanding of life here on the front line between biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods. They simply love these trips and are always full of questions.
Once in a while I go down the mountain to the nearest town to take our public policy team to participate in meetings of the local environmental council. And I notice that most of the other cars are all shiny and newly washed. Me? I’m covered in dust. Which shows that I am a proper working car. And makes me feel proud.
And last week I took our forestry team to visit a forest nursery at the local university. There as so much to learn – better ways of capturing water for the irrigation system, how to build a raised seed bed, how to work with substrate when making seedlings… It’s always fun when my passengers are deep in discussion of what they have just seen and learned.
So, as you can imagine, I am going to be super busy at Iracambi. And I love it.
Let’s keep in touch!

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