Last month, we let you know the really great news that Iracambi had been shortlisted as a finalist for the 2015 Peer Awards for Excellence. The date of the final (18th June) is fast approaching so we’ve been busy finalizing our entry for the “Corporate Social Responsibility – Educating the Community” category, and sizing up the opposition!
Gus Le Breton is on hand in London to deliver the presentation on the day (thanks Gus!) while those of us confined to the rainforest are hoping to join as much of the session as possible via Skype – fingers crossed for no logistical roadblocks on the day…
The Times newspaper in the UK today launched their microsite on the Peer Awards which is great publicity for the event. And on Monday everyone in the UK should keep an eye out for the supplement in the Independent, which will be even better publicity for the event AND for us.
Make sure to keep your fingers crossed for us next Thursday and we’ll let you know just how we get on!
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