Around Iracambi lately, we have been in a flurry of activity. Mostly revolving around our Jr Scientists campaign and several other projects. Our fundraising for Jr Scientists has been spearheaded by an amazing group of young Iracambistas who have volunteered to help raise funds. Each individual originally had until the end of September to raise $500 for our Jr Scientists program. Our original crew consisted of Kristin, who was a volunteer manager with us. Kristin is now a graduate assistant in Texas and is busy taking care of a new little family member. Our second participant is Julia(pictured top). Julia came all the way from France and worked furiously to compile a photographic bird list for the field museum. Kourtney recently came with a group of students who constructed a beautiful forest house. Working on the same forest house project is Russell(pictured below). Our next participant is Claudio. Claudio is the son of the beloved cook here Carminha. He graciously volunteered and has set himself a lofty goal of $1000 dollars! Finally we have Georgia(pictured In middle). Georgia is having her birthday on Sept 26 and has offered to put birthday dollars towards her fundraiser. Although she has achieved her dollar goal, she needs one more donor to meet the requirements to earn a fundraising prize. Out of our participants. Julia, Georgia and Russell have all met their dollar goals. If you are interested in helping out click on the links below to give Kristin and Kourtney a boost. Overall, we are so happy to have these people helping us, and also all the donors who are the ones really making this possible. On behalf of Iracambi and our lovely Rainforest Heroes I send out a very large.
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