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For the first time this September, Iracambi participated in a fundraising challenge. The goal was to have individual fundraisers aim to collect $500 in donations from ten separate donors. Of course we took on the challenge, putting together a crack team of excellent Iracambista fundraisers. The original squad featured Kristin, who is now a graduate assistant in Texas, and the first to get behind this fundraiser. Second came Kourtney, who helped work on our amazing bamboo forest house. After Kourtney came Russell, who also worked on the forest house. Next to join the frey was Julia, from France, who had recently stayed with us and worked on collecting a photographic field collection of Iracambi birds. Lastly, came Georgia who valiantly sacrificed birthday gift money to go towards her fundraiser. With these five fundraisers we started our journey. At first we plugged social media to get the word out. Facebook friends and Twitter followers were encouraged to get involved, and they did! The initial response from all our friends in cyberspace set us off at a wonderful pace. Things began to slow down a little bit around the middle of the month, but


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Headlines from Iracambi Hello everyone! We hope you are well!  We’ve got lots of exciting news for you today, so buckle up

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