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January 5, 2015

100K pix jan 1Brazil! It is so nice to finally see you! After a long, tiring but safe traveling experience (thank you Delta Airlines), Brazil is everything we thought it would be! It is safe to say that living in the Atlantic rain forest is a cultural shock for most, but it will allow 8 Hampton University women to create an unbreakable bond. We were greeted at the airport by our kind professor Wagner Belo. After exchanging out American dollars for Brazilian currency and purchasing necessary toiletries, we began our journey from Rio to our home for the next 3 weeks, the Atlantic rain forest. Today, we began to learn the Portuguese language to foster communication between the Brazilian and American students. After class, we went to the Black Lagoon to take a break from the rather warm temperatures. Reflecting back on my day, I cannot determine which was more fun, bonding with individuals that truly care about your success or eating delicious Brazilian food! Until next time …


Pamela Cameau

100K jan 2



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